Interest Rates are Changing, but What Does It All Mean?

Change is the only constant, especially when it comes to interest rates. For homeowners and first-time buyers, this dance can feel like a complex waltz. But understanding how these shifts impact the housing market can be your secret weapon. In this blog, we’ll break down the implications of changing interest rates, exploring how they affect … Read more

Build an Allergy Free Home with These 3 Tips

Allergy-Free Home

Allergy-Free HomeLiving in the Ohio Valley can bring beautiful seasons; however, with some of these seasons can come unpleasant allergies. Now, you desperately desire a new, allergy free abode. If you can relate to this scenario, consider the following ways P.L. Lyons can allergy proof a new home.

In 2016, P.L. Lyons constructed an allergy-free home for a client with severe allergies and autoimmune issues. When selecting a builder for situations such as this, it’s important that the builder you choose has experience with this type of construction.

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Remodeling Ideas That Increase Home Value

rennovation, custom

Making the decision to stay in your home often means you start looking for ways to update and maintain it. Remodeling is a great way to slowly add value to a home while still keeping it livable and without the inconvenience of uprooting your family. But not all remodeling decision are equal. Some home updates … Read more

Why are estimates important?

Why is a detailed estimate so important in today’s building climate? When a builder gets a complete set of building plans, the builder is expected to give the client a cost estimate or quote as it is commonly referred to. When I started in the building business, the standard way of estimating a house was … Read more

Is price the only thing that matters?

We’ve definitely seen business pick up recently and are ecstatic about the seven bids we currently have out. Some of the builders we’re bidding against are licensed contractors—but some are not. As more and more people start thinking about home additions, remodels, or custom builds this spring, we wanted to remind everyone how important it … Read more

When pricing your new home, make sure you know what you’re getting

When pricing your new “custom” home with a builder, make sure you know what you’re getting. Not all builders price the same way. Some methods are just plain scary. Here are a few examples of ways builders price a home. 1) Legal pad and pen: Something as complicated as a custom home needs more detail … Read more

A Screencast of our Advanced Estimating Program at PL Lyons

We get a lot of questions about our advanced estimate. We get questions from customers, from subcontractors and from other builders.  We’ve been teaching the Advanced Estimating class at the Home Builders Association of Louisville for several years partly because of our estimating program. This quick video gives you a glimpse into how we use … Read more

Building a custom home- get an estimate not a guestimate.

What do you mean estimate verses “guestimate”? An estimate for a construction project is arrived at much like an estimate for your car repair after an accident. You list the parts and labor and give an estimate. With one huge exception: the construction estimate does not have a standardized cost manual like the automotive repair … Read more

Guestimates or Estimates

If you’re in the market for a custom home, which I know there are still a few of you out there. Then make sure you pick a custom builder who does estimates and not guestimates. What’s the difference you ask? Just several months of arguments over costs and fights about change orders. If your custom … Read more

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