Interest Rates are Changing, but What Does It All Mean?

Change is the only constant, especially when it comes to interest rates. For homeowners and first-time buyers, this dance can feel like a complex waltz. But understanding how these shifts impact the housing market can be your secret weapon. In this blog, we’ll break down the implications of changing interest rates, exploring how they affect … Read more

Louisville Ranked as One of the Best Places to Live

Louisville affordable place to live

Have you ever watched a college football game on TV? One commonality between every game that has ever aired is passionate fans. Supporters of a team will pack a stadium with the brightest colors they can find that represent their team, stand in subzero temperatures, and spend countless dollars on season tickets.  Why is that? … Read more

Energy Star

Energy Star

For over 40 years we’ve been taking custom homes from concept to completion, and over the years we’ve watched homes become smarter as technology improves. Who would have thought 40 years ago that you would be able to control all the lights in your home with your smartphone? One of the most important aspects of technology upgrades, though, is increased efficiency.

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Top Paint Colors of 2017

Top Paint Colors 2017

Top Paint Colors 2017


Part of making your house a home is choosing a paint color that not only fits your style but also is on par with the classic color trends.

Last year after Homearama, we shared the paint colors that were used in our homes. If you want a glimpse at some of the colors that we have used in the past you can download the previous color guides here and here.

We wanted to share some of the colors that have caught our eye over the beginning months of the year.

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The Origin of HOAs

origin of HOAs fencing graphic

If you buy a condominium, a townhouse, or a home in a planned development, you might be obligated to join the homeowner’s association (HOA) and pay the monthly HOA fees. These fees are collected for the upkeep of common areas of the building or the property. The amount of the HOA fees depends on how … Read more

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