
2009 this too shall pass

We’re looking forward to a better year in 2010 than 2009. Last year was a tough year for most of the building industry. The wavering economy and financial markets put a stop to the new home buyer market. The buyers were not only concerned that their net worth had diminished with the fall of the … Read more


What comes first? Chicken or the Egg

When building your dream custom home, what comes first: the Chicken or the Egg? In this scenario the Chicken being your lot and the Egg being your home plan. This could be debated either way and our emotions tell us design your plan first. After all that’s far more exciting then picking out a piece … Read more


December Project Updates

We shot a video of a recent custom contract home we began in early November. Things are moving right along. Apologies for the shakiness in the beginning of the video it was very unlevel ground- at least that’s the excuse we’re using. 🙂 We discuss a few of the standards on all P.L. Lyons custom … Read more


Custom Cabinet Layouts

Recently, we shot a few videos showing how P.L. Lyons delivers a true custom experience. When laying out the custom kitchen cabinets on this contract home, Perry covers all the bases. Perry discusses how furniture will be laid out and even uses wood cut-outs showing customers where the kitchen table will sit.  He thinks through … Read more


Thanksgiving Message

This message is a little late but nonetheless important. We’ve been blessed at this time of Thanksgiving to start a custom remodel, commercial buildout and a contract custom home. We were blessed before but feel even more grateful after beginning these projects in November. God is good, we give him the glory. The winter in … Read more


Custom Building the PL Lyons Way

In this housing market it’s important to differentiate yourself. Competition is pretty fierce for the few contract custom homes that are out there. We know how we view ourselves but we’ve realized that our potential customers don’t always see us the same way. We’re not perfect. We make mistakes. We aren’t the cheapest nor do … Read more


Guestimates or Estimates

If you’re in the market for a custom home, which I know there are still a few of you out there. Then make sure you pick a custom builder who does estimates and not guestimates. What’s the difference you ask? Just several months of arguments over costs and fights about change orders. If your custom … Read more


P.L. Lyons Inc awarded the President’s Grand Award for Best Integrated Internet Marketing Campaign

After 35 years in the building business, P.L. Lyons has won many awards. They range from Homearama awards to 2009 Remodeler of the Year. The latest award was for taking a leap of faith into the new world of inbound marketing, also known as internet marketing or digital marketing. “The President’s Grand Award” for Best … Read more


Updating your bathroom before selling

We’ve all heard that kitchens and baths are what sell homes. It’s true. These rooms are usually the hardest and most expensive rooms to renovate, so a lot of the time, buyers are looking for homes with updated kitchens and bathrooms. As a custom home builder and remodeler, I wanted to talk exclusively about bathrooms … Read more
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