Video Tour Inside PL Lyons’ Homearama Homes

Yes, Homearama is behind us (P.S. Did you hear that the site for Homearama 2015 has been announced? More on that next week.), but we wanted to show you two well produced videos that give you a virtual tour of our Homearama homes. Produced by Aerial State, these videos walk you through the homes and show some of the great details they have to offer.

Here at PL Lyons we’re always happy to answer any questions you have about our custom home building process. If you’re thinking about building, don’t hesitate to contact me, even if you’re just starting to scratch the surface. We’re here to help educate you and help you make the best decision for your unique situation.

Click to watch the videos below and let us know what your favorite feature is!

homearama louisville  homearama louisville




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