Tour of New Homes

Custom home builders Louisville KYApril is here, and the awaited Tour of New Homes event has arrived in Louisville!

This free event will be the first app-driven tour and will be held on the 25th and 26th.

The app gives details of each home and includes pictures to tempt you inside and see these grand homes for yourself. The Parade Craze app (for Android and iPhone) will also let you map out your ideal tour, so when the day comes you can go straight to your favorite homes.

Who is the Tour of New Homes for?

The Tour of New Homes features new construction homes and home communities throughout the Louisville area. All kinds of homes have been developed and are ready to be celebrated and appreciated. This event is perfect for:

  • Potential buyers-If you are looking for a new home with a custom feel, this tour will give you insight into what might be the right fit for you.
  • Custom home clients- As you start designing your custom dream home, it’s helpful to see some of those dreams brought to reality. The way each home functions and flows is unique, and you can walk through it for yourself!
  • Fence riders- Looking to buy? Want to build custom? Or are you just thinking about remodeling? Seeing these homes can help you pick a side and set your goals.
  • The day dreamer-So you know you aren’t ready yet, but you keep finding yourself looking up pictures of dream homes and buying magazines. Keep those dreams going, because one day they might come true.

Download the app today to see what all the fuss is about. We look forward to seeing you there!

For Android

For iPhone


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