Extended warmer weather usually sparks that bug to buckle down and get some spring cleaning accomplished. While knocking down those cobwebs and shining up grungy windows, consider some additional home maintenance steps that will help you save money on energy bills, improve your home’s appearance, and ward off future big ticket repairs.
Inspect your AC – For $75-200 you can tune up your air conditioning unit and clean those dirty filters that make your unit work harder and increase energy costs. Delaying service can also permanently damage your equipment.
Thermostat – For $50-150 you can buy a programmable thermostat that will regulate temperatures inside and save approximately $180 annually on cooling bills.
Caulking – If you have a gap bigger than a nickel around any of your doors or windows, apply exterior caulk. Also add weather stripping around the doors to keep cool air from escaping.
Gutters – Prevent debris backup by cleaning out gutters. Backup can create improper drainage and lead to flooding around your home’s foundation.
Roof – Trapped snow over the winter may have caused a splitting of the flashing on your roof’s surface which can cause leaking inside.
Sidewalks – Minor cracking and settling should be fixed quickly as settling cracks and extended snow and water accumulation will increase the damage causing more costly repairs or even necessary replacement.
Deck check – Spring is a good time to reseal the wood on your deck. The salt air and heavy snow deteriorate the wood. Test for stability on your deck by examining if the wood is spongy and soft. If it is and it will not splinter with a screwdriver, it is probably rotted and not safe.
Sprinkler – Make sure the controller is properly set on your sprinkler system so you do not waste money on water bills. Spring is the best time to check the controls on your sprinkler system.
Dryer – While you are making a list, check the vent on your dryer for any lint backups that can cause lower efficiency and create a fire hazard.
Chimney – No chance anybody needs to come down that chimney now, so this is a great time to have a chimney sweep clean it out and close the damper for summer which will save money on your utility bills.
Once that spring fever has hit, follow these suggestions and take this opportunity to make your home as energy efficient and spruced up as possible.