After 35 years in the building business, P.L. Lyons has won many awards. They range from Homearama awards to 2009 Remodeler of the Year. The latest award was for taking a leap of faith into the new world of inbound marketing, also known as internet marketing or digital marketing.
“The President’s Grand Award” for Best Integrated Internet Marketing Campaign was given by the Sales and Marketing Council of the Home Builders Association of Louisville.
We submitted to win the award back in the fall. The basis of our campaigns included content marketing via free reports and downloadable guides. It also included social media marketing and sharing via our Twitter and Facebook accounts. We spent a lot of time blogging and video blogging about industry topics, custom building tips, and showing actual site work. Last but not least, we’ve been developing a monthly e-newsletter which is set to launch this month. By the way, we’d love for you to register today by filling out the form below. You’ll receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription, and you’ll need to click on the link in order to start receiving emails.
Thanks for your support!
Simplified Solutions LLC , an inbound marketing agency in Louisville, KY was proud to help with the strategy, the website updates, the blogging, and the social media coaching— but owner Perry Lyons embraced new media and ran with it. He deserves lot of credit as many scoffers have overlooked digital marketing.
P.S. I’m also Perry’s son in law. In case you didn’t know 🙂