If you Google “Modern vs. Classic Architecture” you will get results that span every opinion and taste. Architecture is just like music, it is subjective. You like what you like. If you like Polka, who am I to tell you you have bad music taste, although I would still try and make that argument. The same is true with architecture, you like what you like, but there are a few key questions you should answer before planning the construction of a new home.Know Your Location: You don’t want to be an orange in a bowl full of apples. You may have a very specific architectural style that you will not compromise. If the place you want to build does not have any homes that are similar, you may need to consider to building in a different place.Resale: I may love it, but will anyone else? How long am I planning on being here? If your design is overly-modern will the architecture stand the test of time? Think of your fashion decisions from 10, 20, and 30 years ago. Bell bottoms may make a comeback from time to time, but how short-lived are those times? So you want to consider how easily the architecture will hold up and affect resale in 10 years, 20 years, or 30 years.Casserole: What if I combine every idea I have? Less is more in most designs. Some architects have successfully created balanced modern-traditional homes. It can be difficult to blend classic and modern styles, but when it is done well, there are no “sore thumbs.” In other words, nothing is sticking out when it shouldn’t be. An example of successfully blending modern and traditional are some kitchens with classic old-world cabinets with new stainless steel appliances. This is an area where you want to work with a skilled architect who can help you avoid short-lived trends.Throughout our website there are many examples of our work that combine architectural styles well. We have incorporated many modern products in the context of traditional architecture. We would love to sit down with you and hear about the new remodel or home you are considering. We can help you navigate these subjects and develop a winning plan.