While there are certain renovation tips that can add value to your home, there are a few things to watch out for before you start tearing down walls, repainting, or installing new flooring. When redoing your home, it is important to know when to call the professionals when to avoid the frills, and when to throw in a little elbow grease.
Don’t Do It (all) Yourself
You can learn how to do anything on the internet these days. But there are working professionals who devote their entire lives to something like an electrical rewiring process that has been refined to a 4-minute video on YouTube. There may be some things you are capable of through a DIY project, but many times it is best to leave it up to the professionals. Unless you have a good knowledge and understanding, leave things like plumbing, electrical wiring, breaking down foundational walls, and installing new flooring up to the pros. Just because the picture looks easy, doesn’t mean it actually is!
Don’t Get Lazy
It is best to set realistic goals and a full plan from the beginning and work up from there so you can avoid going into a project with high ambition, and not lose the motivation as the hours or days go by. If re-painting a room, don’t skip the primer, if laying down hardwood or laminate flooring, don’t forget the subfloor, and above all, don’t neglect regular maintenance in your home. Just like how your car collects mileage and needs an oil change, your home has wear and tear too. It is easy to neglect a clogged drain, hide flooding damage, or ignore exterior paint chips. But these are the things a buyer will be looking at one day, and you can save a few pretty pennies by staying on top of maintenance instead of letting it build up.
Don’t Make Your Home Something It’s Not
Your home is old victorian, but you fell in love with some modern floor-to-ceiling windows. You found a quaint country home, but you’ve been dreaming of a chef’s stainless steel kitchen. You are entitled to a variety of tastes and styles, but one of the biggest mistakes that can be made is renovating a home with a style it was never meant to have. Whether you are looking to sell in the next five years or stay for another 10, your home will never feel like it has reached its full potential if it is forced into a whole different style. When making big renovation decisions, it may be wise to have a consultation first and see if it is the best fit for your family and future families to come.
Home improvements are exciting and a great way to add years of livability to a home, or prep it for near-future selling. Whatever your choice, P.L. Lyons can help advise, consult, and renovate to give your home a custom feel. Contact us for more information.