We’re heading back to the annual International Builders Show in Orlando Florida. Yes, somebody has to go from Louisville to Florida in February, so we drew the short straw. We’re one of the Louisville Builders taking one for the team.
This show has been an almost annual event the last few years. We attend this show in part because I serve on the local HBAL Board of Directors, the HBAK Executive Board, and in part because even us older builders like to keep up with our industry. As we’re using Twitter, Facebook, and blogging, we have to keep up with all the latest products and trends in our industry.
Every year, we come back with new ideas and updates on the pros and cons of green building and developing, new regulations making home building more difficult, the state of the housing market, and the latest product enhancements that affect our customers. Those are all very good reasons to make the annual trip.
This year’s NAHB International Builders Show is February 8-11. Normally, this would be a perfect time for builders to take in a conference, although this year we actually have two, possibly three custom homes we’re starting in January and early February. We’re also finishing up a dental office addition for our friends over at A Winning Smile Dental Center in Okolona. If you’re looking for a Louisville Dentist, they are expanding and accepting new patients. We won’t complain about the activity, or the break to sharpen our saw.
P.S. If I can get my new iPhone 4 working before the trip, I will be live tweeting, shooting videos, and blogging about the show like in years past. Stay tuned for more.