We always enjoy attending the annual International Builders’ Show (IBS), which recently took place this January in Orlando. Our experiences at IBS help us stay updated on the latest trends, products, and ideas in the industry.

We go to the IBS every year because no matter what stage of the process you’re at, whether it be conception, building, or remodeling, everything related to homebuilding starts at the IBS. This year, there were over 1,600 exhibitors in attendance, so we took some pictures and want to share a recap of what we saw at the IBS.
A Recap Of What We Saw At The International Builders’ Show
Building industry professionals from around the globe come to the IBS annually to see, learn about, and discuss the highlights of the latest products, materials, and technologies in all types of building. This year, about 60,000 people gathered in Orlando, Florida for three days to learn and discover innovative concepts that will move our businesses forward.
The show is a great place for networking as well. Some of our strongest and longest connections we have in the industry came from meeting at these events. Some people don’t like to network, but at IBS many of the networking events were sold out!
As you may know, Perry works with students at Shelby County High School who participate in the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Student Competition. This competition provides students an opportunity to apply skills they’ve learned in the classroom to a real construction company through presenting a management project and proposal. Shelby County High has participated for the past few years and has come out close to the top each year! This year, they were awarded Second Place out of 56 total competing organizations! Here they are being recognized by the Kentucky Senate.

We saw more game-changing technology and creative design in this year’s New American Home, which is part of a series of cutting-edge homes sponsored by the NAHB. This year’s home redefines modern living by featuring only the latest in building trends, products, and techniques. Neutral interior design elements are still in. Efficiency is maximized throughout the home and the blending of the architecture and contemporary amenities is seamless, which created an unforgettable touring experience.
Continuing Education at the International Builders’ Show
IBS is also a great place to stay educated on the coming trends, updates on regulations and codes, and much more. In total, there were over 150 classes that covered all aspects of the entire building industry. Perry attended several classes, most of which were about codes and land development issues. We want to keep you informed on some of the important changes we’re hearing about.
The codes issues that were discussed in several venues consisted of continued overregulation of building practices. One of the main issues discussed was the Silica Rule. The NAHB is continuing its effort to have OSHA review its guideline practices on residential construction and a current court decision requires that the EPA take another look at the dust lead standard.
The changes OSHA is proposing require technology that isn’t widely attainable and doesn’t exactly come cheap. In the long run, it could cost as much $4.9 billion annually. To fund these proposed changes, consumers will also be affected as higher prices are charged, but more on that later.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) program rules and definitions were also discussed. In short, the RRP rule requires that firms who perform renovations, repairs, and painting projects that disrupt lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and pre-schools that were built before 1978 must be EPA certified, use certified renovators who are trained by EPA-approved providers, and follow lead-safe work practices.
In the land development meetings and seminars, the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) was discussed at length. The EPA and U.S Department of the Army have dictated a rule regarding clean water and a definition of WOTUS. This rule includes tribal and state certification programs, pollution permits, and oil spill prevention and planning programs, applying only to WOTUS.
The definition of WOTUS includes any waterway, including a ditch in the rear of your lawn. With the help of the current Administration, a two-year delay was reached on the enactment by the EPA, as all parties need more time to look at the definitions of the WOTUS. We will stay updated on this issue and will keep you informed as well.
Perry also attended a class on “Builders Keeping Customers For Life” and through that class, we realized we’ve already been working toward this goal for many years, as the practices to keep customers for life have been in effect in our organization for a long time.
If anything, the best –and we think most exciting– experience we had at the show was seeing the excellent outlook the homebuilding industry has. The economy and stock market are doing well overall and the new tax reform has added jobs, a lot of which happen to be in the construction industry. All of these reasons lead to improving consumer attitudes and increasing consumer spending.
The homes we build and remodel or renovate are luxurious from top to bottom and we got to see a lot of new and innovative products and features we’ll utilize to make bathrooms, kitchens, and living areas more efficient, functional, and customized to your unique needs. To get started on that, download our Custom Homebuilding Checklist.